Romeo and Juliet fate

There are many quotations of fate in the play, even from the very beginning, the prologue said ” from forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take there life who’s misadventures piteous overthrows.”but this is not fate in the actual play the characters themselves say to each that there lives are hanging in the stars which is basically  saying god has control of my life I have no control and whatever’s happens I can not change my path.

This was just before the capulet party Romeo wants to go to the party to see rosiline but cmeets Juliet instead, I think that he thought that was his fate to meet Juliet I don’t think he knew at this point both were going to die. They lead on to full in love and later get married.this is where friar Lawrence said to both Romeo and Juliet “Romeo come forth , thou fearful man-affliction is enamour’d of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calamity” it his is before Romeo and Juliet kill themselves and even before Romeo gets banished from Verona so saying this is definitely evidence of fate. What the friar is saying is that e your marriage is destined for doom you may love each other but no matter what you do your fate has been sealed. I think this is a very good piece of evidence of determining fate in the play because its not one  of the characters talking to themselves about how there’s nothing they can do to stop it whereas in this case it’s soming talking to Romeo and Juliet that they are going to die and are wed’d to calamity.






One response to “Romeo and Juliet fate”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    You demonstrate a wide appreciation of the various ways Shakespeare communicates his ideas about fate through the play Romeo and Juliet.

    The next step for you is to develop the style of your writing. This piece would be improved with a more well-developed opening sentence or sentences where you expand on the main idea of fate, and introduce which aspects you’re going to explore in your paragraph.

    This expansion should happen, also, each time you reference a mechanism to explore fate, so that your reader is exposed to your full understanding of the concept.

    You are clearly eager to write more extended pieces that allow you the scope to offer both a wide range of ideas and also analyse them in fine detail.

    I look forward to watching as your writing develops.

