Category: Communication

  • Q and A discussing fate in Romeo an Juliet

    “These violent delights have violent ends” this is a quote from the play Romeo and Juliet, this is a key reference on the subject of fate in the play which it is mainly based upon. Fate is revealed in Romeo and Juliet and many ways, but of the most important is through the plot device…

  • Romeo and Juliet fate

    There are many quotations of fate in the play, even from the very beginning, the prologue said ” from forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take there life who’s misadventures piteous overthrows.”but this is not fate in the actual play the characters themselves say to each that…

  • Romeo and Juliet timeline

    Sunday morning: a fight breaks out between the montagues and capulets.                                                                 Paris ask capulet for permission to marry Juliet Sunday afternoon Romeo goes…

  • Interpretations of Romeo and Juliet the film

    The film of Romeo and Juliet created by baz Luhrmann  is very accurate to the play in some ways but the film has a lot of interpretations of its own like, the play is set in Verona a italian city whereas the  film is set in New Mexico is coastal city in Mexico . I…

  • The Hand of Fate

    At the very start of the parlt in the the prolouge it says that  both the star crossed lovers fate is sealed and they will die. The star crossed lovers being Romeo and Juliet, but also in the play there a rare many clues said by the characters talking about there future. Romeo says in…

  • Hi I’m using a iPad 😀

  • This is Your Online Domain

      Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at the London Nautical School. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work…