Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Coursework: Creative Writing

    I awoke early in the morning, at the top of my tree I could admire the whole landscape. I thought to myself where in this beautiful forest should I hunt today? Which bark with the sun’s rays beaming down on it should I stain with the blood of my prey? What did I fancy today?…

  • Coursework: Torture

    In the modern society in which we live, torture is seen as something inhumane and unethical. But there have been many arguments that torture can in fact be necessary in certain circumstances. Say if someone has hostages and these hostages lives are at risk but you have the culprit that kidnapped these innocent people but…

  • Coursework: Bare Vexed

    Dear Isabelle Kerr I am writing to you today to inform you that I agree with the points you have written in your article ‘Bare Vexed’. I too believe ‘something appalling has happened’ to the English language. These new additions, such as ‘twerking’ and ‘selfie’, to the English Dictionary are an embarrassment to say the…

  • Petrarchan Sonnet

    From Visions Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374) Being one day at my window all alone, So manie strange things happened me to see, As much as it grieveth me to thinke thereon. At my right hand a hynde appear’d to mee, So faire as mote the greatest god delite; Two eager dogs did her pursue in chace.…

  • Quiz on my sonnet

    1. What rhyming scheme do I use in this sonnet? 2. What is iampic pentamitor and how do I use it in my sonnet? 3. What effect did my Volta give to you? 4. What feeling did my son key give to you? 5. What is the feeling of this poem eg sad, happy, angry?…

  • I do not know where to start about you I think you are perfect in every way Without you I would not know what to do I really don’t want you to go please stay Because I remember all of the times We use to have, because I enjoyed them When your not there my…

  • Protected:

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  • Preposterous proposition

    Would any of you in this room believe if I tell you that every day thousands of innocent children die of malaria, yes you would, so why won’t you believe me if I told you even more died of aids.

  • Hotel Rwanda scene analysis

    In the film hotel Rwanda and the scene where Paul discovers all of the dead bodies in the road, this scene causes a lot of suspense because of several factors. The non digetic sound in this scene is one of the main causes of its intense atmosphere, sounds like the knife when Paul sees the…

  • Hotel Rwanda Scene Notes

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