Month: November 2012

  • Essay plan for Romeo and Juliet

    In the first paragraph of my essay will talk about metaphors used by Shakespeare  in the play.The second paragraph will be about the coincidences in the play and how they happen and how they relate to fate.The third will be about Shakespeare references to realigion and the fourth from the words said by the corus

  • Interpratations lecture plan

    Some of the interpretations include swords to guns verona city to mexico city tybalts death from sword fight  to car crash   me and samy will look into more detail in the subjects and create a script that include all the information about why we think they changed it and maybe say thing that they…

  • I need to select one question and answer it Write a response of 800-1000 words Make exstensive reference to the texts, Shakespeare time and use detailed eexamples my chosen question  is how Shakespeare explore the concept of Fate in Romeo and Juliet  

  • Metaphor by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet

    In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare uses a lot of metaphors in his work, he uses a lot of words that you wouldn’t use that have different meanings.In a speech by mercutio he goes on to say “Begot of nothing but vain fantasy, Which is as thin of substance as the air” ., this means that…

  • Metaphor in Romeo and Juliet

    Your task is to identify the metaphor present in the following excerpt and then write a paragraph that explains the metaphor and its effect on the meaning of the passage it is embedded in. MERCUTIO True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy, Which…

  • What I will be doing

    Romeo and Juliet project   I will be doing a analytic  essay which will either be a question on fate or interpretations in the play and film I will also recreate a scene from the play and modernise the language I will also give a lecture to the class on a chosen subject for about…

  • Q and A discussing fate in Romeo an Juliet

    “These violent delights have violent ends” this is a quote from the play Romeo and Juliet, this is a key reference on the subject of fate in the play which it is mainly based upon. Fate is revealed in Romeo and Juliet and many ways, but of the most important is through the plot device…

  • Romeo and Juliet fate

    There are many quotations of fate in the play, even from the very beginning, the prologue said ” from forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take there life who’s misadventures piteous overthrows.”but this is not fate in the actual play the characters themselves say to each that…

  • Romeo and Juliet timeline

    Sunday morning: a fight breaks out between the montagues and capulets.                                                                 Paris ask capulet for permission to marry Juliet Sunday afternoon Romeo goes…